The Ship’s Store committee continues to provide the membership with quality merchandise available for purchase at national meetings or online.  R/C Sarah McCurry, S has mentioned more than once just how time saving the introduction of the inventory control software, bar code reader and point of sale computer has been.  This has brought the committee into the 21st Century in terms of inventory control and sale of merchandise.  Recently, the Ship’s Store has expanded into the sale of books and art works.



The Flag and Etiquette committee under the leadership of R/C Jim Williams, JN joined the Secretary’s Department in January 2004.  During the year several new squadrons and two districts received approval of their new burgees.  The committee also authorized several 50-year burgees and one 75-year burgee.  The committee has a handbook entitled ‘How to Fly Your Flag’ that can be purchased through Ship’s Store.



The Headquarters staff under the very able leadership of Mary Catherine Berube our headquarters director continues to provide tremendous service to the membership.  I hear favorable comments wherever I go about the really excellent service our members receive when in need of headquarters support.



Last but by no means least is our department newsletter editor D/Lt/C Gloria Schulke, AP.  She has for these past three years created a newsletter for the department sometimes under trying circumstances.  Her efforts are greatly appreciated.



I complete my term of office at the annual meeting in January.  It is hard to believe just how fast three years can go.  Many people were involved in making this a successful three years.  To each and every one of you in the Secretary’s Department thank you for the tremendous effort you have made on behalf of our department and our fellow members in USPS.  Best wishes to each of you as you continue working in the department and especially to Robert Baldridge as you take over the department leadership.


     V/C Frank A. Dvorak, SN

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Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Volume 5,  Issue 1    January 2005

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

® 2003 -  2005 United States Power Squadrons

Headquarters Director

Mary Catherine Berube

Text Box: National Headquarters
 Raleigh, North Carolina
Happy New Year!