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Secretary's Department Newsletter 1/2

The NEW UPDATED OM on-line

R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN

USPS is under-going radical changes and far-reaching changes in organization and structure. As a result the OM (Operations Manual) is being constantly revised. Every Governing Board brings new changes which need to be included. This is one reason why we have not produced a printed copy - the membership needs up-to-date information, not out-of date-information.

      The old 1995-97 version of the manual has been completely removed from the OM website. Only the current manual is available for download. In order to view this manual you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader (see link later in this issue if you do not have this program). Members are able to download the entire Manual (just over 6Mb) or individual chapters or appendices. As changes are made, the website will indicate which chapter/appendices need to be downloaded to keep your Manual totally up-to-date.

      The OMCom is always looking at new technology in an effort to make the manual easier to use, easier to access and easier to understand. Check out the OMCom exhibit at the EXPO in Orlando for the latest developments

Yes, our committee has been busy since the Governing Board Meeting in Little Rock, working  with reports from sales.  In spite of our location at the meeting and the difficulty some people had finding us, we had fairly good sales.  Not great, but we sold $18,000 but our target was $25,000 or better.  Oh, well, we always hope for better at our next meeting.  We are answering questionnaires that members filled out with suggestions. It was suggested that nautical suspenders might be a new item. I am looking for a supplier and also for a frame for our license plates.  We will have new items at the Annual Meeting in Orlando. Our updated catalog arrived in the October copy of THE ENSIGN.  We are also contacting districts to see how we can help them with their Ship’s Stores.

R/C Ann Bailey, AP says

“We’ve Been Busy!”

Memorial Library Planned Giving Program

Great Success

The eleven alcoves have been sold thanks to the leadership of P/R/C Al Volkmann, members  of  the  Planned  Giving  campaign  team and  THE  ENSIGN  staff.   The Interior Designers firm of Doctor  Decor  is  scheduled  to  finish both  the  planned Memorial  Library and  the Chapman Library in the near future.

THE ENSIGN is published monthly to an audience of more than 50,000 boaters. The magazine is a 48-page, four-color publication that is the primary vehicle of communication between National and all levels of the USPS membership.

Copy for THE ENSIGN is drawn from a variety of sources.

·          National committees designate writers to generate material related to their specific areas of interest.

·          Members of THE ENSIGN Committee produce special interest articles and book reviews.

·          THE ENSIGN readers scan squadron and district publications for articles of interest.

·          THE ENSIGN Correspondents, at the district level, review their district and squadron publications for articles  that may      merit wider circulation.

·          USPS members submit articles and feature stories to THE ENSIGN Correspondents or to Headquarters (attention THE     ENSIGN) for consideration.

In every case, members of USPS are the source of information and content.

The magazine is our magazine. It is improving with every issue under the able guidance of Editor Yvonne Hill and staff. The content is varied, sound and reflects the needs and opinions of our member-driven organization. Yet the committee and staff have a concern that should be of interest to every member of USPS; we need more advertising in the magazine. THE ENSIGN is the only communication vehicle that goes into the hands of every member, and we believe that it is important to maintain and sustain it. You can “earn” money for your squadron or district by securing ads and placing them in THE ENSIGN.  Visit a business or manufacturer and secure an ad. THE ENSIGN is our magazine, and we need your help.  We hold its future in our hands!

THE ENSIGN is Our Magazine

R/C Joyce F. Shaw, AP