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Secretary’s Department Newsletter


V/C Ernest G. Marshburn, SN


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” With these  words  begins one  of the greatest novels  of  English literature, and  even those  who have  never opened  Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities have heard or used its opening line as  they pursue their own efforts. While the tragic events of 11 September will long be remembered by every USPS member, every American and many people across the world, it has served to bring us all closer together in ways not otherwise possible. President John F. Kennedy summarized this emotion best during his 1961 inaugural address when he said, “Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support my friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty”. Our hearts, sympathy, prayers and unending support go out to everyone affected by the tragedies in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania and, through our actions, we will demonstrate the single-minded determination to remain united and overcome all challenges laid before us!

   It is that spirit that a personal goal has always been to challenge every USPS member to set  goals high, sights long and dreams achievable to make a difference in USPS.  This has often been expressed as a “do whatever it takes” attitude designed to encourage each of us to strive for our best in order to better meet the expectations of existing and potential USPS members.

    Today, organizational visibility, recognition for accomplishments and the desire to increase membership represent our battle line as we search for ways to make that difference.  In response, USPS has moved to address these tough issues through the implementation o a strategic plan.  The points in our strategic plan can be found at   and in the September 2001 issue of THE ENSIGN.  Take the time to review the plan, then take the lead and become involved in creating a solution that will ensure the continued success and prosperity of USPS.  Just remember that success in USPS is a journey, not a destination.

    With more than 60,000 members, our organization has a rich and proud heritage of service to boaters.  As in the past, we will continue to overcome the challenges before us thanks to the contributions of thousands of USPS members, who volunteer their time, energy and financial support to our organization.  While the memories of 11 September will never fade, we must maintain our focus on the future.  In reflecting on words borrowed from Sir Winston Churchill, let those in the future remember this as our “finest hour” as we do whatever it takes to make us proud to be members of the United States Power Squadrons.

Department Personnel

National Secretary

V/C Ernest G. Marshburn, SN



Assistant Secretary

R/C Frank A. Dvorak, SN



Special Assistant

P/R/C Anne E. Hall, SN



Headquarters Director

Mary Catherine Berube




R/C Charles P. Sutter, AP



Information Technology

R/C Angelo V. Giovanniello, SN



Operations Manual

R/C Peter W. Mitchelson, SN




R/C Robert D. Bair, AP



Ship’s Store

R/C Ann T. Bailey, AP



The Ensign Committee

R/C Joyce Shaw, AP



R/C Angelo V. Giovaniello, SN - Information Technology Committee

Text Box: Plan to attend the New Year’s Party
    On Monday, December 31, members of USPS attending the Annual Meeting, are invited to the New Year’s Party sponsored by the  Rosen Centre. There will be food, drinks, entertainment and music.  The festive event will begIn at 2200 where you will celebrate the entrance of year 2002 with USPS friends.
    Make your arrangements now so you will not miss this special activity - the beginning of a new year and the 88th Annual Meeting of United States Power Squadrons.

Volume 1 Issue 2              October  - December 2001