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Secretary's Department Newsletter 1/2


Keep up the good work

340 Historian Filings

R/C Charles P. Sutter, AP

I take this opportunity to say "Thank You" to all of the members of the Historian Committee. A special "Thanks" also goes to the Squadron and District Historians. Through the combined efforts of these dedicated members, we have received 340 history filings during this current calendar, from 1 January 2001 to 22 October 2001.


The committee is striving to keep abreast of the times. We have recently established a new USPS historian website ( www.usps.org/national/historian) . This site includes an account of early USPS history; copy the history form H 701 (2000) plus a list of the committee members with their addresses. phone numbers and e-mail addresses, as well as the list of districts assigned to them. A diskette, with the history form, is also now available. This form can be filled out on the computer, printed and forwarded to the proper person. Please e-mail requests for the diskette. It can be obtained from dorcyhart@aol.com


The committee stands ready to assist in anyway necessary for Squadrons and Districts to file the history form. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Dates of Future USPS

National  Meetings

National Secretaries who served USPS


1947                    *   Charles H. Leach, JN

1948—1951        *   John C. Talbot, N

1952—1956        *   Ellis W. Edge, Jr., SN

1957—1958        *   Chester w. Newman, JN

1958—1960       *   F. Gilbert McGlaughlin, JN

1961—1965        *   Nick Tiburzi, N

1966—1970            Stanley Zolto, Jr., SN

1971—1975        *   Harvey A. Collins, JN

1976—1980       *   Selby B. Davis, JN

1981—1983        *   John R. Behrens, N

1984—1986            Lorin S. Myers, JN

1987—1989            Joseph L. Kennedy, SN

1990– 1992            Robert J. Abernethy, SN

1994—1996            Lance J. Jensen, SN

1996—1998            Russell K. Gray, Sr., SN

1999—2001            Ernest G. Marshburn, SN

Do You Know These Special Website Addresses?

United States Power Squadrons Home Page


USPS Members Page


USPS Secretary’s Department Newsletter


Cheese and Fruit Display

      International and Domestic Cheese garnished with Fresh Fruits and Berries accompanied by Fancy Crackers and Lavosh


Chafing Dishes of...

      Breaded Artichoke Hearts


      Buffalo Wings with Blue Cheese

      Vegetable Spring Rolls with Duck Sauce


Hosted Bar

                Named Brands, Wine, Champagne, Domestic Beer

                Imported and Premium Beers, Mineral Waters, Soft Drinks


Dancing and Entertainment



Crudite of Fresh Vegetables

         With Pesto Herb Dip


Annual Meeting: 2--6 January

Rosen Centre–Orlando, FL

Spring Governing Board: 15--19 May

Adams Mark–Houston, TX

Fall Governing Board: 11–15 September

Marriott, Des Moines, IA


Annual Meeting: 1--5 January

Rosen Centre--Orlando, FL

Spring Governing Board: 7--11 May

Sheraton New Orleans-- New Orleans, LA

Fall Governing Board: 3-7 September

Reno Hilton–Reno, NV


Annual Meeting: 15--19 January

Rosen Centre–Orlando, FL

Spring Governing Board: 19--23 May

Pittsburgh Hilton–Pittsburgh, PA

Fall Governing Board: 7--12 September

Adam’s Mark–Jacksonville, FL