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Information for YOU
As Soon As I Get It
Updated: 07-07-2014
Old Items removed or archieved
As the VSC Program Chair I will attempt to make news available to you, the interested District and Squadron VSC Chairs and VEs as soon as I get it.
Thanks for stopping
07-07-2014 - Re-Qualification Key Dates
03-15-2014 - USCG and documented vessel questions
Good afternoon Lee, Gentlemen.
I thank you for the opportunity to respond to your inquiry.
It appears there is more than one item to address and perhaps
a VSC policy determination to be made.
References: 46 USC 12302, 33 CFR 173, (173.11 Numbering), 33 CFR 174 and the Vessel Safety Check Manual, COMDTINST M16796.8.
First. The statement that: “It is clear that a documented
vessel also has to be registered in the state where it resides.” Is not
clear or accurate.
This statement would only apply to documented vessels that
are from and primarily operate in a state where there is a requirement for
all vessels to be registered in that state.
If a vessel is documented and operates in a state where this
is the case, the vessel only displays the validation sticker in the location
as required by that state.
When I mentioned vessels that operate in a state that has the above requirement, my intent is to frame this in that if the boat is documented and is from State X, and State X is the State of Principal Operation that is where the vessel would also be state registered if required.
The VSC manual does not specifically address this dual registration issue. Discussion indicates that and policy dictates both Federal Documentation and State registration in states which require registration for Documented vessels, must be current. Both must be current to be eligible to receive a VSC decal.
If the documented vessel is operating out of the state which required the state registration, such as your NJ vessel visiting FL scenario, then as long as the NJ State registration is current the vessel would be eligible for a VSC decal. (Sans the 90 day thing addressed below)
Regarding the “…allotted 90 days…”. This is inaccurate.
The limit regarding this issue is 60 days. This is mentioned a couple of
times in the regulations. 33 CFR 173.17(b) Reciprocity, and 46 USC
12302. I am not sure about Florida law regarding 90 days, but in the USC
and the CFR’s it only mentions 60 days. This is when a vessel is no longer
temporarily in another state and the validity of the out of state
registration is no longer recognized.
This then becomes an enforcement issue. Usually a difficult one to enforce as generally proof of being in the state more than 60 days must be established. The question then becomes when did the clock start and did it restart at some point. The vessel generally would only have to get underway, go out beyond states waters, come back in, and the 60 days could technically start again.
This presents an additional problem/concern(?). If the Documented vessel was from a state which also required state registration, now it has been in a state that does not require state registration for more than 60 days, assuming the registration is still current, is the out of state registration still acceptable? Does it matter? Should this be considered when conducting a VSC, especially with a current Document aboard? I would think in this scenario it would not matter.
If any of you run into this scenario please let me know.
I mean really run into it, not I heard about one or I did one years ago, I
mean right now.
Let us know what you do (did).
I Hope this answers your questions and adequately addresses
this issue.If I can be of any other assistance please do not hesitate to
contact me directly.Thanks and have a safe boating day.
At your service.
Program Operations
Department of Homeland Security
U. S. Coast Guard
Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety
03-12-2014 -
04-12-2013 - In researching a question for a member I found this tool which could be well used in a class-room enviroment for VSC Students. These are 'Flash Cards' referencing the ' Nav Rules' required on any vessel of 12 meters or more. ( Click Here )
USPS Safety/VSC Chair
The following message was received from USCG Sector Baltimore:
03-23-2013 - The United Safe Boating Institute ' VSC Data Collection Powerpoint. By William S. Griswold (click here)
02-22-2013 - New
Marpol Information
-To order marpol cards (click
here )
02-22-2013 - A power point presentation concerning a preliminary US CG Aux study concerning differences in VSC failure rates between the US CG Aux and USPS. Presentation (power point) viewed here. Comments to Bob
2/21/2012 - Returning/Disposing of Inflatable Life Jackets ( Click Me )
03/14/2012 - Inflatable Life Jacket FAQ ( Click Me )
05/13/2012 -
Explanation of recorded Vessel Examinations for individual
Examiners and that relationship to decal shipment. (Click
Boating Is Fun, Let Us Show You How
Stf/C Lee R. Chasse
USPS VSC Program Chair