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Inflatable Life Jacket Shipments to Squadrons

Inflatable Life Jackets were shipped to all USPS Squadrons in 2008

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Inflatable Life Jacket

These jackets currently remain Government property and we are required to report our inventory of these jackets to the Coast Guard each year. The files available below list the initial distributed number of jackets by District and Squadron.


These jackets currently remain Government property and we are required to report our inventory of these jacket to the US Coast Guard each year.

The files below list the initial distribution of the Inflatable Life Jackets in 2008. Subsequent reports have changed some totals so Districts and Squadrons should refer to the 2011 Jacket Accountability list for current data compiled as of the Nov 2011 reporting period..

The Reporting Form can be downloaded here, PDF or Doc versions..
Please note the pdf version is fillable and takes a min or so to load properly on your computer based on computer setup. Please be patient.


The Distribution list has been removed due to member information contained within. Please contact Lee Chasse if you need to see the District/Squadron initial distribution by email request.


Stf/C Lee R. Chasse, AP
USPS Chair VSC Program

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