Members Only
<% If blnAccess = True Then '****************** Begin PROTECTED page content **************************** ' ' Enter any and all information you want to have password protected here. ' Be sure the content is between the < % If blnAccess = True Then % > and ' < % Else % > asp tags on the page. ' %>Welcome to our Members Only area, <%= strRealName %>. Please <%= strLogOutLink %> when you are done.
Click here for the squadron roster. The roster document will open as a .PDF file. Use the "Find" box to search for a name.
<% '****************** End PROTECTED page content **************************** Else '****************** Begin UNprotected content **************************** ' ' Enter the content you want the user to see prior to loggin in here. ' Be sure the content is between the < % Else % > and < % End If % > asp ' tags here. %>Welcome to our Members Only area. Please enter your first name, and your OSPS member ID is the password.
<% '****************** End UNprotected content **************************** End If 'If blnAccess = True Then %>