
Class Registration


Please contact Jim Harden (360) 438-9742 for class information.


Olympia Sail and Power Squadron
P.O. Box 1171
Olympia, WA 98507

Future Classes: To be announced.

If you have questions or are interested in more information on available classes, please e-mail or call
Jim Harden (360)438-9742.

Many classes are available only to Squadron members.
Become a member of the Olympia Sail and Power Squadron!

<% Dim name, address, city, state, zip, email, bccaddress, toaddress If Request.Form("SendButton") <> "Send" Then %>






Email Address :

Class you are registering for:


<% '*** If the SendButton was clicked '*** and there is a message to send, '*** process the email and send it. Else '*** Create the message object. Set Message = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") '*** Validate Input nameanswer = Request.Form("name") If nameanswer = "" then nameanswer = "(No name given)" End If addressanswer = Request.Form("address") If addressanswer = "" then addressanswer = "(No address given)" End If cityanswer = Request.Form("city") If cityanswer = "" then cityanswer = "(No city given)" End If stateanswer = Request.Form("state") If stateanswer = "" then stateanswer = "(No state given)" End If emailanswer = Request.Form("email") If emailanswer <> "" then toaddress = Request.Form("email") bccaddress = "" End If If emailanswer = "" then emailanswer = "(No email address given)" toaddress = "" bccaddress = "" End If classanswer = Request.Form("class") If classanswer = "" then classanswer = "(No class description given)" End If '*** Set the from, to, and '*** subject fields. Message.From = "" Message.To = toaddress Message.bcc = bccaddress & "," Message.Subject = "Confirmation of Class Registration" Message.TextBody = vbcrlf & "Date and Time: " & Now() & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " Name: " & nameanswer & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Address: " & addressanswer & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "City: " & cityanswer & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " State:" & vbcrlf & stateanswer & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " Zipcode:" & vbcrlf & zipanswer & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " Email Address:" & vbcrlf & emailanswer & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " Class:" & vbcrlf & classanswer '*** If there is an error, '*** continue with the script. On Error Resume Next '*** Send the email message. Message.Send '*** If sending the message caused '*** an error, then display the '*** message, else display a '*** success message (or redirect '*** to a different page). If Err.Number = 0 Then Response.Redirect("thankyou.html") Else Response.Write "Error: " & Err.Description End If '*** Clear out the message variable Set Message = Nothing '*** End of If for checking '*** SendButton and message '*** to send. End If %>