United States Power Squadrons® Phoenix Sail and Power Squadron
District 28
Sail and Power Boating
Potlucks and Parties The Phoenix Sail & Power Squadron has three occasions when it gathers at a member's home to bring the group together for mainly a social event. They are the Ice Cream Social, Fall Potluck, and the Christmas Party. A brief general membership meeting is held at each except the Christmas Party.
To see the photos and descriptions of these events from the past 12 months click on the links below:
Ice Cream Social (May) Fall Potluck (September) Christmas Party (December)
Fall Potluck
September 21, 2019
The Schoonover's
Cave Creek, AZMembership year kicks off with fall potluck dinner
Our annual September meeting and pot luck dinner will be hosted by Paul Schoonover and his daughters at Paul's Cave Creek home. It’s an outdoor event to celebrate another sunset. Here are the specifics.
When: 09 September 2017
Attitude adjustment 1730
Dinner: 1830
Meeting: 2000
Bring: A covered dish to share, BYOB, chairs and your own dish and silverware. There are plenty of outlets for crock pots and chafing dishes. There should be plenty of tables, but remember: your own chair! If you have a favorite mixer, bring a two-liter bottle of it.
Don’t bring: tables, ice, setups or coffee.
This annual event is where squadron members share summer stories with each other while enjoying autumn breezes.
The Potluck will feature a brief membership meeting to get the squadron back in gear and to bring everyone up to speed for the coming squadron activites. (A meeting of the ExCom will take place before the potluck).
Many thanks to Paul, Ann and Paula for hosting the September meeting at their home.
Twilight in the Lusson back yead
The dinner line is open
Gobie Johnson gets a spoon full
Marge Hill on the other side of the table(
(l-r) Janet and David Allocco, Joe Warren
BJ an Ed Wojick
Chuck Peterson receives some advice
from Willie Burgeson
Connie Johnson makes a pitch for helpers for an event
Lee Whitehead presents a program on
the upcoming Cholla Bay Fish Fry
(photos by Lori Greenstein)
Privacy Statement Disclaimer Statement Trademarks This page last updated 27 May 2019