Anna Maria Island Sail & Power Squadron

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Squadron Bridge

The squadron is run by the Bridge consisting of the elected officers and three members at large. They are elected by the general membership and installed in an annual ceremony called the "Change of Watch." The bridge officers appoint committee chairmen to help in their various duties.

Photo of Lt/C Matthew T. Kuber
Lt/C Matthew T. Kuber

Responsible for the leadership and management of the squadron. Reports to District Commander.

Photo of Lt/C Marc D. Christman
Lt/C Marc D. Christman
Executive Officer (XO)

Responsible for "external affairs" such as boat shows, public relations, legislative, safety, etc.

Photo of Kelly Gitt
Lt/C Kelly Gitt
Squadron Administrative Officer (SAO)

Responsible for "internal affairs" such as hall rental, membership, boating activities, entertainment, etc.

Photo of Lt/C Cliff Root
Lt/C Cliff Root
Squadron Educational Officer (SEO)

Manages the education activities such as the Public Boating Course (ABC) and Seminars.

Photo of David French
Lt/C David French

Responsible for keeping track of money from hall rental, membership fees, classes and fundraisers.

Photo of Sandra Cutcliffe
Lt/C Sandra Cutcliffe

Keeps the official squadron log of attendance and minutes of bridge, general, and special meetings.

Photo of Alice French
Alice French, S
Member at Large

Member of the social committee, enjoys planning events with other volunteers.

Photo of Beverly Root, AP
Beverly Root, AP
Member at Large

Cliff and Bev were associate members from Miami. Bev was the past fund raising chairwoman.

Photo of Floyd Jay Winters
Lt Jay Winters, S
Member at Large

Jay is a squadron instructor, the squadron webmaster, and he offers free Vessel Safety Checks.

Photo of Stf/C J. David Haddox, S
R/C, BPECom J. David Haddox, S
Past Commander

Active as National Assistant Chairman for Basic Public Education.