Anna Maria Island Sail & Power Squadron

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Vessel Safety Check

20 minutes could save your life! The United States Power Squadrons participate in the Vessel Safety Check (VSC) program through the United States Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety in conjunction with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. A typical VSC takes between 20 to 30 minutes. The VSCs are offered for FREE by certified Power Squadron members.

If your vessel passes, you will be given a decal indicating that your boat has passed a safety inspection. However, if your vessel does not pass there is no obligation to comply with any resulting recommendations. Also, no report will be made to the USCG if the boat fails the inspection.

Please do a Pre-Safety Check before VSC request.

Images & Details (pdf)
Please do a Pre-Safety Check before VSC request
Proper display of numbers: FL 1234 TB
Current Registration Documentation
Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Throw ring/cushion immediately available
Visual Distress Signals
(Day and night flares, flag, SOS light...)
Fire Extinguishers (Green/Full/Date)
Ventilation (gas engine in closed compartment)
Sound Producing Devices (Horn, whistle...)
Navigation Lights (Red, green, white)
Pollution Placard (if over 26 feet)
MARPOL Trash Placard (over 26 feet)
Backfire Flame Control/Arrestor
(For inboard gas motors)
Marine Sanitation Devices (Head)
Locate Y-valve, confirm zip-tied off
State and Local Requirements
Deck free of Hazards / Clean Bilge
Clean Fuel and Electrical Systems
Clean Galley - Heating Systems
Engine Cut-Off Switch (Lanyard or Fob)
If less than 26 feet and newer than 2000

AMISPS members at a Vessel Safety Check booth