Chartered 1940

Located in District 9. Grosse Ile Power Squadron is a Unit of United States Power Squadrons® (USPS®) Sail and Power Boating.
A Non-Profit Educational Organization. Educating and Serving Recreational Sail and Power Boaters in Portions of Wayne and Monroe Counties in Southeast Michigan.

Bridge Officers
Local Boating Clubs
Educational Dept.
Calendar of Events
Squadron Activities
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Educational Department Class Schedule

Date Class When & Where
Spring 2012 Squadron Boating® Course 1900-2100 (7-9 p.m.) @ TBD
Spring 2012 Safe Boating Course 1900-2000 (7-8 p.m.) @ Gibraltar Community Center
TBD Public Chart Smart 1900-2100 (7-9 p.m.) @ TBD
TBD Public GPS 1900-2100 (7-9 p.m.) @ TBD
TBD Vessel Examiner Class 1900 (7 p.m.) @ TBD
*TBD *Seamanship (Advanced Class) 1900 @ TBD
*TBD *Piloting (Advanced Class) 1900 @ TBD
*TBD *Advanced Piloting (Advanced Class) 1900 @ TBD
*TBD *Junior Navigation (Advanced Class) 1900 @ TBD
*TBD *Navigation (Advanced Class) 1900 @ TBD
*TBD *Engine Maintenance (Advanced Class) 1900 @ TBD

* All interested students must notify SEO Lt/C Robert Lang, SN, of their interest at least 30 days before this start date to ensure adequate time for ordering text books. Advanced classes must meet a minimum enrollment to be held.

Please review the class schedule and contact Robert Lang, , (734) 671-5834, with any requests to change class dates.

Are you interested in beginning or continuing education classes offered by the United States Power Squadron®? The following is a list of all available advanced classes. Please let us know of your interest so we can begin scheduling classes for the next season.

Advanced Classes

  • Seamanship
  • Piloting
  • Advanced Piloting
  • Junior Navigation
  • Navigation
  • Engine Maintenance
  • Marine Electronics
  • Cruise Planning
  • Basic and Advanced Sail
  • Weather
  • Instructor Development
  • Vessel Examiner
  • Officer Training
  • GPS Seminar

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®The USPS Ensign (Flag Design), "Wheel-and-Flag Design, "Officer Trident Design," "United States Power Squadrons," "USPS," "The Ensign," "The Squadron" with flag graphic, "Paddle Smart," "USPS University," "Boat Smart," "Jet Smart," "America's Boating Club" and the "USPS Trade Dress" are registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons. The Squadron Boating Course is a service mark of United States Power Squadrons.  

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