Summer 2009: GIPS tour the Detroit River aboard the Diamond Jack. | |
Summer 2009: Cdr Lee V. Boslooper aboard the Diamond Jack. | |
Summer 2009: P/C Bob Figi attended the Diamond Jack river tour. | |
Summer 2009: The former Boblo Island Amusement Park vessel STE. CLAIRE near the Motor City. She was taken out of service as a Boblo boat in 1991. | |
June 2009: P/C Bill Morreau & Cdr Lee V. Boslooper at Grosse Ile's IslandFest. | |
GIPS volunteers promoted USPS classes at the 2009 Detroit Boat Show. From the left, George Nelson, Carl Roush, Marv Petre, Scott McHugh and Bill Morreau. Photo by Dennis McHugh | |
22 May 2008, Squadron Members Learn About the Wonders of Humbug Marsh at GIYC. The Squadron held our May meeting at the Grosse Ile Yacht Club and the chef did an outstanding job at dinner preparation as did the bartender doing what he did best. The members enjoyed a short meeting conducted by Cdr. Ed Schwenk, SN. The meeting was then turned over to our guest speaker, Lisa Appel. Ms. Appel represented the International Wildlife Refuge as it exists along the Detroit River with special attention to the Humbug Marsh. She explained all that was to be seen along the new trails in the marsh. Many varieties of bird, animal and flora are to be found in our area. The lecture was informative and delivered by the charming young lady. Ms. Appel is pictured with Capt. Tim Walker discussing the topic of the day. Thanks to Lt/C Lee Boslooper in finding such a delightful speaker. P/C Bob Figi, P | |
17 April 2008, Blessing of the Fleet at St. Thomas Lutheran Church. | |
17 April 2008, Maryellen Nelson, performed the Mariner's Hymn at St. Thomas Church. | |
17 April 2008, potluck dinner at St. Thomas Lutheran Church. | |
17 April 2008, P/Lt/C George C. Nelson, AP (left) receives his Life Membership award from Cdr Edwin R. Schwenk, SN. | |
17 April 2008, Sue and Marv Petre at St. Thomas Lutheran Church. | |
17 April 2008, Pastor Edward R. Aller at St. Thomas Lutheran Church. | |
Scott and P/C Dennis McHugh at the 50th Annual Detroit Boat Show. | |
Pirate Capt. Willy properly demonstrated PDFs at the Detroit show. | |
GIPS at the 50th Annual Detroit Boat Show. | |
14 February 2008, General Meeting (Auction) at Mr. Nick's | |
14 February 2008, General Meeting (Auction) at Mr. Nick's | |
14 February 2008, General Meeting (Auction) at Mr. Nick's | |
14 February 2008, General Meeting (Auction) at Mr. Nick's | |
14 February 2008, General Meeting (Auction) at Mr. Nick's | |
14 February 2008, General Meeting (Auction) at Mr. Nick's | |
22 September 2007, was a beautiful day for the Lizzie-Lu picnic at Elizabeth Park. | |
Everyone had a great time at the Lizzie-Lu 2007 picnic. | |
Admin Officer, L/C Lee Boslooper brought the baked beans to Lizzie-Lu 2007. | |
Cdr Heather A. McHugh, AP & P/C Dennis McHugh, AP dancing to Wyandotte P.S. member Jerry Summers' music at the GIPS Cdr's Ball, 5 May 2007. | |
GIPS at the Grosse Ile Y.C., 17 May 2007. | |
GIPS at the Grosse Ile Y.C., 17 May 2007. | |
Paul Lamarr, curator of the historic Willis Boyer freighter speaks to GIPS at the Grosse Ile Y.C., 17 May 2007. | |
P/C John T. Cieluch, JN & No Commander Fran Mastal, P during the 2007 Past Commanders Night, at Baldo's, 15 March 2007. | |
GIPS during 2007 Past Commander's Night, at Baldo's, 15 March 2007. | |
P/C Denis Creazzi, SN at Advanced Piloting Class (1st night), 16 January 2007. | |
P/C Mick Mastal, SN at Advanced Piloting Class (1st night), 16 January 2007. | |
Advanced Piloting Class, 16 January 2007. | |
Piloting Class exam night, 9 January 2007. | |
Tom Kovach, P at Piloting Class exam night, 9 January 2007. | |
Stacy Martin, P and Cdr Fran Mastal, P at Piloting Class exam night, 9 January 2007. | |
Lt/C Mike Egan, P at Piloting Class exam night, 9 January 2007. | |
Capt. Bob Lang, SN performing final duties as SEO, at Piloting Class Exam night, 9 January 2007. | |
GIPS, at Islandfest, 2, 3 & 4 June 2006. | |
GIPS, at Islandfest, 2, 3 & 4 June 2006. | |
GIPS, at Islandfest, 2, 3 & 4 June 2006. | |
GIPS, during Duffy's trip, Amherstburg, Ontario, 1 June 2006. | |
GIPS at Duffy's in Amherstburg, Ontario, 1 June 2006. | |
GIPS at Duffy's in Amherstburg, Ontario, 1 June 2006. | |
GIPS at Duffy's in Amherstburg, Ontario, 1 June 2006. | |
No Commander John T. Cieluch, JN and Past Commanders during the 2006 Past Commanders Night, at the Hungarian Rhapsody, 16 March 2006. | |
Lt Robert McFarlane, AP and wife Betty celebrate their 55th anniversary during the 2006 Past Commanders Night, at the Hungarian Rhapsody, 16 March 2006. | |
D/Lt/C Denise Samu, SN & Cdr Fran Mastal, P during the 2006 Change of Watch, at Crystal Gardens, January 2006. | |
Left to right: D/Lt/C Denise Samu, SN Executive Officer Lt/C Heather McHugh, AP Administrative Officer Lt/C Shannon Egan, S Treasurer Lt/C Mike Egan, S Secretary P/C Michael E. Mastal, SN during the 2006 Change of Watch, at Crystal Gardens, January 2006. | |
Treasurer Lt/C Mike Egan, S & Administrative Officer Lt/C Shannon Egan, S during the 2006 Change of Watch, at Crystal Gardens, January 2006. |
P/C Mick Mastal, SN had success with a class of 27 students during Boat Smart®, at Gibraltar Community Center, May 2005. | |
Apprentice Joe Egan taught a session & Lt/C Mike Egan, S proctored during Boat Smart®, at Gibraltar Community Center, May 2005. | |
New member Bill Tuite (left) was welcomed and sworn in by Cdr Dennis McHugh, AP during Seamanship Class at Trenton High School, January 2005. | |
Tri-Squadron members were asked to bring a toy for donation. Local Fire fighters stopped by to collect them, and to express their appreciation during the 3 December 2004 Tri-Squadron Christmas Party. | |
P/C George, SN and P/C Barbara Mathis, AP were definitely in the Christmas Spirit, during the 3 December 2004 Tri-Squadron Christmas Party. | |
P/C Bill, AP and 1st/Lt Terry Morreau, P were caught enjoying the dance music, during the 3 December 2004 Tri-Squadron Christmas Party. | |
Cdr Dennis McHugh, AP (left) presented Lt Thomas P. Monaghan, SN The Chapman award during the 18 November 2004 Awards Banquet at The Sportsmen's Den in Riverview, MI. Lt Monaghan, SN was Teacher of the Year in 1993. His class of six members became Navigators. | |
Cdr Dennis McHugh, AP presented Assistant SEO Lawrence W. Lang, JN his Senior Member award at the 18 November 2004 Awards Banquet. | |
New member Richard Hendricks is sworn in by Cdr Dennis McHugh, AP at the 18 November 2004 Awards Banquet. | |
Lt/C John T. Cieluch, AP (right) presented P/C Newell M. Figi, P the National Co-op Charting award at the 18 November 2004 Awards Banquet. P/C Figi has gained national recognition for over 20 years. | |
Cdr Dennis McHugh, AP and Lt/C John T. Cieluch, AP presented Lt Elwin N. Farrell, P the national 50 years membership award at the Fall Governing Board in Jacksonville, FL. | |
Lt Elwin N. Farrell, P with his nephew (left) and Lt John R. Hayward, JN (right) at the Fall Governing Board in Jacksonville, FL. |
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