A Few of the Many Reasons to Join
- Boating Education by experienced instructors featuring Advanced Grades Courses, Elective Courses, Seminars, Online Courses and Learning Guides
- Low-cost, high-quality educational materials
- Activities with other boating enthusiasts including parties, dinner meetings, picnics, field trips and Special Events
- Experienced boaters to answer your boat-realated questions
- Vessel Safety Checks
- Dues are tax deductible
- Low rates with additional discounts for educational achievements with USPS Boat Insurance
- Opportunity to join BoatUS at reduced membership cost
- Periodical Publications - The USPS Ensign and The Compass and the Ahoy
- Port Captains - members available to assist in unfamiliar waters
- Many Discounts - See Member Benefits
- Camaraderie between members
How to Join
- Contact the Commander or any other Bridge Member
- Join on the National Website - Become a Member
- Take America's Boating Course online.